A boy near the town of Moyale drinks from a muddy puddle.
All rights reserved [ Irada Humbatova/REUTERS ]
Drought is one of many problems that continually afflicts the northern African country of Ethiopia. Lack of water not only kills crops, meaning starvation, but also causes violent conflicts over scarce vital resources. Inadequate sanitation has made water-borne diseases the No. 1 cause of infant deaths in the country -- where 300,000 children under age 5 die every year.
في كل وقت تشعر به بالشبع بعد وجبة دسمة وكوب من الشاي الساخن بالنعناع ، بل في كل وقت تصحو فيه من نومك ليلاً في يوم صيفي ساخن كتلك الأيام وتتوجه للثلاجة وتخرج زجاجة من المياة الباردة تروي بها عطشك ، بل في كل وقت تشعر فيه بالأمان وأنت بداخل بيتك تحوطك أربعة جدران .... تذكر دائماً أن تشكر الله على نعمه التي لا تعد ولا تحصى وأن هناك ... في مكان ما من ذلك العالم - ربما أقرب إليك مما تعتقد - أشخاص كل ما يتمنونه من الحياة هو شربة ماء .... [ من فضلك شاهد الأغنية التالية ] ء
And when you climb
into your bed tonight
And when you lock
and bolt the door
Just think of those
out in the cold and dark
'cause there's not enough love to go round
into your bed tonight
And when you lock
and bolt the door
Just think of those
out in the cold and dark
'cause there's not enough love to go round
And sympathy
is what we need my friend
And sympathy
is what we need
And sympathy
is what we need my friend
'cause there's not enough love to go round
no there's not enough love to go round
Now half the world
hates the other half
And half the world
has all the food
And half the world
lies down and quietly starves
'cause there's not enough love to go round
is what we need my friend
And sympathy
is what we need
And sympathy
is what we need my friend
'cause there's not enough love to go round
no there's not enough love to go round
Now half the world
hates the other half
And half the world
has all the food
And half the world
lies down and quietly starves
'cause there's not enough love to go round
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