What's Students Study in Pakistan?????????????????????????????
(Careers in PAKISTAN)
BE—Bomb Engineering
M.B.B.S.--Member of Bomb Blasting Society
IIT--Islamic Institute of Terrorism
CAT—Career in Alqueda & Taliban
M.Tech –Masters in Terror Technology
LLB –Learning Licence of Bomb Blasting
B.Sc. –Bio-Weapon Science
AIIMS—All International Islamic Members Society
BA—Bomb Analyst
B.D.S.—Bomb Development Society
(Careers in PAKISTAN)
BE—Bomb Engineering
M.B.B.S.--Member of Bomb Blasting Society
IIT--Islamic Institute of Terrorism
CAT—Career in Alqueda & Taliban
M.Tech –Masters in Terror Technology
LLB –Learning Licence of Bomb Blasting
B.Sc. –Bio-Weapon Science
AIIMS—All International Islamic Members Society
BA—Bomb Analyst
B.D.S.—Bomb Development Society