NOAA image of Hurricane Andrew taken August 23, 1992.August 21 , 2002 — In the record books, it’s still one of America’s costliest hurricanes, and today NOAA scientists announced Hurricane Andrew was even stronger than originally believed when it made landfall in south Florida 10 years ago this week. Based on new research, scientists upgraded the storm from a Category 4, to a Category 5, the highest on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. (Click NOAA satellite image for larger view of Hurricane Andrew taken August 23, 1992.)

In their re-analysis of Hurricane Andrew’s maximum sustained surface-wind speeds, the NOAA National Hurricane Center Best Track Committee, a team of hurricane experts, concluded winds were 165 mph—20 mph faster than earlier estimated—as the storm made landfall. Herbert Saffir, a structural engineer who co-designed the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, joined the committee as an observer and reviewed the team’s results.

The upgrade makes Andrew only the third Category 5 (wind speeds greater than 155 mph) hurricane on record to strike the continental United States. The other two Category 5 storms were the “Florida Keys 1935 Hurricane,” and Hurricane Camille in 1969.

“There is always some uncertainty in determining the maximum winds in a hurricane, and Andrew is no exception,” said Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center, a part of NOAA’s National Weather Service. “Our previous estimate was 145 mph, based on the science available in 1992. With advanced research techniques and technology, we now estimate the winds were stronger.”

Andrew was directly responsible for 23 fatalities in Florida and Louisiana, and about $25 billion in damages (1992 dollars), according to NOAA.

The National Hurricane Center has had an ongoing program to review the historical record of all storms. Scientists and other researchers note that society needs an accurate account of the frequency and intensity of past catastrophic events to best plan for the future.

“We have recently completed a review of a re-analysis of storms from 1851 to 1910,” said Colin McAdie, chairman of the National Hurricane Center’s Best Track Committee. This re-analysis effort was undertaken by a team led by Chris Landsea of NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division and supported by a grant from the NOAA Office of Global Programs.

Hurricane Andrew is one of the most significant cases studied. According to McAdie, scientific understanding of the wind structure in strong hurricanes has significantly increased since 1992. For Andrew, the Best Track Committee considered input from scientists at the HRD, including the “re-analysis team” and National Hurricane Center.

Since 1997, forecasters have used Global Positioning System dropwindsondes, a measuring device dropped from hurricane reconnaissance aircraft into the eyewall—the windiest part of the hurricane. The sonde system measures temperature, barometric pressure, water vapor and wind data every 15 feet on its way down.

This new method gave meteorologists an important glimpse into the true strength of these devastating storms. The analyses of the dropwindsonde data indicated that, on average, the maximum sustained surface-wind speed was about 90 percent of the wind speed measured at the 10,000-foot aircraft level flown as Andrew approached south Florida. In 1992, Andrew’s wind speed was estimated at 75 to 80 percent of the aircraft observations. The research findings resulted in an increase in the estimated wind speeds of Hurricane Andrew from 145 mph to 165 mph.

Best Track Committee Findings:

  • Hurricane Andrew was a Category 5 over open water on approach to South Florida.
  • Hurricane Andrew was a Category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale at time of landfall, with Category 5 winds occurring in a small area on the immediate coast having open exposure to Biscayne Bay.
  • Winds at specific locations over land in Miami-Dade County are unknown due to remaining scientific uncertainties.
  • There should be continuing research aimed at better determining hurricane winds immediately preceding, and during landfall. The “Hurricane Landfall” component of the U.S. Weather Research Program is structured to address such a question.

When Hurricane Andrew hit southeast Miami-Dade County, Fla., Aug. 24, 1992, flying debris in the storm’s winds knocked out most ground-based wind measuring instruments, and widespread power outages caused electric-based measuring equipment to fail. The winds were so strong many wind-measuring tools were incapable of registering the maximum winds. Surviving wind observations and measurements from aircraft reconnaissance, surface pressure, satellite analysis, radar, and distribution of debris and structural failures were used to estimate the surface winds.

NOAA’s National Weather Service is the primary source of weather data, forecasts and warnings for the United States and its territories. NOAA’s National Weather Service operates the most advanced weather and flood warning and forecast system in the world, helping to protect lives and property and enhance the national economy.

Poonam Kaur is Prithvi’s costar

Model turned actress Poonam Kaur will start her acting in Mollywood with the new movie titled ‘Thriller’.She will play the heroine of the movie opposite Prithviraj.She was throned Miss Andhra in the year 2005, was largely in the south cinema appearing in some important movies in the last few years. She had been the heroine of movies like ‘Nenjirkkum Varai’ in Tamil, ‘Souryam’ and ‘Vinayakadu’ in Telugu.

Directed by B Unnikrishnan, the movie is reported to be based on the famous Paul Muthoot murder case, which was in the headlines of the newspapers for quite some time.

The movie also stars Lalu Alex, Jagathy, Saikumar and Riyaz Khan in major roles apart from Prithvi, who plays the role of an young commissioner who is assigned with the investigation.

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Poonam Kaur changes her name is Nakshatra

Poonam Kaur is the latest to join the bandwagon of players who change their name after entering the film industry. Poonam Kaur in what is called Nakshatra and actress who was seen as a Payanam Radha Mohan is currently playing an important role in Prabhu Deva directed film with Vishal and Sameera Reddy. This film ...

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Helen Mirren has the world’s sexiest body!

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Say what you will, but at least people are learning that you can be healthy and sexy without necessarily either starving yourself into a cackling skeleton monster or frankensteining your body until you resemble two hams hanging off a coat rack. It’s just a matter of eating like a sensible human being, going for a jog every now and then, and not telling yourself that you can eat either five pizzas or air for dinner.

High Fashion vs. Dame Helen Mirren

Sixty-six year old actress Helen Mirren was recently voted the female "body of the year" by Los Angeles gym patrons, beating out Jennifer Lopez and Pippa Middleton and other younger competitors. Mirren's enviable physique has been the focus of many a photographer (and an SNL skit) and it is formidable. While it may not be realistic for the average sixty-something woman to have Mirren's figure, I was thankful that at least the people who voted her the "body of the year" chose an actual mature woman as a sex symbol.

The New York fashion world has not been as kind lately. For years, it has pushed the size 0 and size 00 super-slim figure out onto the runway. The sample sizes are now so small even models have trouble fitting into them. For some designers, the solution is to not to change the clothes, but to  hire models as young as 12 who are still in the gangly, hip-less, limbo of adolescence. Now, art directors and photographers and designers have gone even further and are dressing figures that aren't physically possible for women, and that's because they're not women. Ten-year-old model Thylane Loubry Blondeau has recently taken the fashion world by storm, posing in French Vogue and walking for Jean Paul Gaultier. Blondeau's childish body is highlighted (some say sexualized) by pictures like the one of her in designer jeans with necklaces covering her bare chest, or another where she's wearing stiletto heels and lying on a tiger-skin rug. Another person who's captured designers imagination is the biologically male, androgynous-looking model Andrej Pejic, who wears both menswear and women's clothing on the runway and in photo shoots.

I understand that breasts and hips, even size 0 ones, may tweak the lines of a haute couture dress, but designing clothes for women that are modeled by young men or prepubescent girls just doesn't make much sense and seems to create a body archetype that is literally unachievable for women. Already, images of grown women are Photoshopped so as to be comically incompatible with biological reality. Depicting a young man or a prepubescent girl as a fashion icon just takes it one more, illogical step forward.

As for Mirren, well, her figure is remarkable but at least within the realm of reality. It's encouraging that even the body-conscious gym-goers of Los Angeles see a womanly figure as something to celebrate. New York fashion world, you could take a page from their book. Maybe sixty is the new size zero.

Helen Mirren has the sexiest body on planet

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She's 66 years old. She has an Academy Award for playing a decidedly frumpy Queen Elizabeth. Her last movie role was as the elderly spinster nanny to Russell Brand's playboy millionaire in "Arthur." And she's officially got the best body in the world. Dame Helen Mirren, what was it like when they created you on Mount Olympus?

When the gym chain LA Fitness polled 2,000 members on the sexiest male and female physiques on the planet, you'd expect renowned hotties like Nicole Scherzinger and this year's It Girl, Pippa Middleton, to make the list. And they did. But who'd have guessed that Inspector Jane Tennyson would blow away the competition for the top spot? Or that 48-year-old Elle Macpherson would come in second, and 42-year-old Jennifer Lopez would land in fourth? And lest you thinking defying Father Time is for the ladies, the male list is decidedly unyouthful too, with Daniel Craig, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, David Hasselhoff and Simon Cowell all making appearances. Note to gravity: YOU LOSE.

Now, an LA Fitness poll isn't exactly the ne plus ultra of scientific inquiry, and it's not as if Helen Mirren's off-the-charts level of foxiness is going to change Victoria's Secret fashion shows or Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues. You need only do a comparative perusal of the Maxim 100, where teenagers like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift are holding their own against a variety of Kardashians and models, to know that dewy, voluptuous youth never goes out of favor.

There's something defiantly cheeky and provocative about the LA Fitness poll results -- a little like, oh, I don't know, declaring Mirren's costar Russell Brand the sexiest man of the year.  Look at us! Thinking outside the box! No wonder LA Fitness's marketing director Tony Orme told the Hollywood Reporter this week that "It's great to see the public celebrating bodies of all shapes and sizes, and proving that you really can look fabulous over 40 and 50."

That's really the point here, isn't it? A beautiful body at 18 is all but a birthright, but one at 60 is the result of damn hard work and incredibly serendipitous genetics. And indeed Mirren declared last year that her "best friend" is her Wii Fit.

Of course, a survey whose results suggest that beauty and sexiness aren't the sole terrain of the young -- and that having a rocking body is possible at any age -- is well in service of the fitness industry. Sure, Mirren, like those ankle-biting whippersnappers Macpherson and Lopez, surely has all the body, face, and hair upkeep that a woman could dream of. Simply rolling out of bed looking like a million bucks becomes an increasingly unrealistic option the older any of us get – even a woman who is still cavorting around in red bikinis and posing naked in magazines.

Yet despite the attention-getting nature of the LA Fitness poll, it serves as a reminder that beauty and sexiness don't necessarily have an expiration date. That aging is inevitable, but "letting yourself go" only has to be if you choose to make it so. That being vibrant and active is always seductive. And that the untouchable Helen Mirren can outscorch legions of females 50 years her junior.

Kelly Brook: "Helen Mirren has better boobs than me!"

KELLY BROOK seems to understand why she lost out to DAME HELEN MIRREN in a recent best body survey.

Speaking as she hosted the Bulmers Cider Garden v1 event in London, Kel laughed: “Helen Mirren has better boobs than me. I can’t beat her because she has got great tits and an Oscar.

“How could I beat that? Helen is my inspiration in life. Maybe if I get them out a few more times, I’ll get an Oscar too.”

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Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

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Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren
Helen Mirren

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Helen Mirren Film Movie at Supreme Courthouse

t’s not everyday that Don Michael Corleone, Tony Montana, Frank Serpico and Lt. Col. Frank Slade all walk into the Supreme Courthouse in Mineola.
The embodiment of the roles, actor Al Pacino, along with fellow Oscar-winner Helen Mirren and a cast of extras and crew members numbering more than 100 descended upon the courthouse Monday and Tuesday for a location shoot for the movie about infamous music producer Phil Spector.
The still untitled HBO biopic centers around Spector (Pacino) and his relationship with his defense attorney Linda Kenney Baden (Mirren) while on trial for the murder of Lana Clarkson, who was found dead in Spector’s California mansion. Jeffrey Tambor (The Hangover, Hellboy) is also starring as Bruce Cutler, another of Spector’s defense attorneys.
Spector was convicted in 2009 of second degree murder and is currently serving a sentence of 19 years to life.
Originally Bette Midler was cast in the role of Baden, but withdrew after suffering a herniated disc.
Monday Mirren could be seen shooting part of a scene in which she arrives at the California courthouse in front of a crowd of protesters. Staged seals were placed next to the entrances of the court building with the California state seal on them and palm trees decorated the driveway to the southern entrance.
County Executive Ed Mangano also made an appearance Monday, saying that the on-location shooting would net the county an additional $10,000 in revenues. Mangano’s three sons also were present on set and made into extras as part of the crowd scene.
The rest of the footage filmed focused on Pacino's and Mirren’s interactions coming and going from the courthouse during the various trials. Spector was tried twice, the first ending in a mistrial as the result of a hung jury.
The court remained open without disruption during the entire shoot at the southern entrance.
The movie is expected to premiere on HBO sometime in 2012.
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Helen Mirren is a frock and roller

Helen Mirren has a boogie on her way to film a rock and roll movie.

Wearing a bandana and little make-up the veteran Oscar-winner showed off some nimble footwork as she made her way to the New York location for her latest scenes.
She's starring in a controversial biopic of crazed music mogul Phil Spector.
The producer is currently serving life for murdering 40-year-old actress Lana Clarkson.
Godfather star Al Pacino takes the lead role while Helen 66, plays Spector's long-time pal and lawyer Linda Kenney Baden in the film.
Angry protesters called for Helen to pull out of the film because many believe it suggests the former Beatles producer was wrongly jailed.
Bette Midler was originally in line for Helen's role but pulled out, citing a back injury. helen mirren
helen mirren

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helen mirren
helen mirren


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