The kidnapping of Philip Rizk

All rights reserved - Egypt and beyond by Per Bjorklund
Philip Rizk is a German – Egyptian citizen, a journalist and postgraduate student living in Egypt, and was arrested along with others on this last Saturday 7th February evening while leading a march in support of Gaza. As his fellow marchers were released, Philip was rushed pushed into a van and driven away at speed by Egyptian State Security. They are now holding him, and have since searched the family’s flat without warrant .
 Philip is an activist committed to non-violent resistance, and did not commit any other crime than being a passionate supporter of the human rights of the Palestinian people. He recently lived in Gaza for two years, and worked as project officer for the British based Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East. No longer with that organisation he has remained in close touch with the people of Gaza and during the assault on Gaza wrote movingly in his blog Tabula Gaza of the suffering of people there, people he knew. He has been frustrated at the continued lack of international action in recent weeks, seeing how even the provision of international aid has become a political football, and also discontented at the stance of the Egyptian government. He recently completed a short documentary, "This Palestinian Life”, telling stories of lives of people from both the West Bank and Gaza.


here is a small list of some of Philip Rizk reports for the Electronic Intifada:
 Update :   11/2/2009 04.00 AM
Philip Rizk has been released from State Security Police custody.. He’s now at home    ( News from 3arabawy ) .  Congratulations to Philip :)
We continue Demanding the Freedom To Mohamed Adel & Magdy Hussein
Update 2 : 
Magdy Hussein  : He will be jailed for 2 years and will be fined L.E 2000

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