My husband often claims that I only like music performed by "angry white people with guitars." That is completely unfair. I like music performed by all kinds of white people with guitars: angry, happy, mopey, tormented. And they're all represented on my Summer 2008 playlist, along with a few other things.
The list was inspired by a recent conversation I had with my friend C., who asked me what songs I'd put on a summer mix CD. I'm not a purist when it comes to these things, as I'll shamelessly mix new and old, highbrow and lowbrow. These choices won't impress anybody on Muxtape, but doggone it, I like 'em.
American Boy (Estelle): Catchy and sassy without being annoying, even
with the Kanye cameo.
New York Girls (Morningwood): It makes the treadmill feel like a Fashion Week runway. Almost.
Lost! (Coldplay): My favorite song from their excellent "Viva La Vida" CD. Not exactly upbeat, but very soulful.
I Will Possess Your Heart (Death Cab for Cutie): A fine addition to the stalker genre.
Summer Girl (Beck): Mixes feel-good melody with Beck's trademark cryptic lyrics.
The Pretender (Foo Fighters): A high-energy thrashfest, and one of my son's favorite songs.
Runnin' (The Pharcyde): I'm ashamed to say that I hadn't heard this song until it popped up on an episode of "Entourage." However, it's a great '90s hip-hop tune that holds up really well.
I'll Be Loving U Long Time (Mariah Carey feat. T.I.): I've become fond of Mariah Carey (the singer, not the actress) as I cruise toward midlife. She's at her best when she embraces her love of hip-hop, and you could do worse than T.I.
Bombs Away (The Police): I have no idea why this wicked-catchy tune from the classic "Zenyatta Mondatta" album wasn't a hit. The Middle Eastern-style guitar riff alone is irresistible.
Hello, It's Me (Todd Rundgren): I adore this song, though it is one of the most noncommittal relationship songs ever recorded. Todd will spend the night if you thinks he should, but you're a free woman. Breezy, and perfect for summertime.
I'm always curious about what other people are listening to, so tell me what's ruling your iPod this summer.