أَقْوَالِ خَالِدَةَ عَلَىَ مَرِّ الْزَّمَانِ

President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak at the beginning of his rule of the Arab Republic of Egypt
لَن أَرْحَم أَحَدا يُمَد يَدَه إِلَى الْمَال الْعَام حَتَّى لَو كَان أَقْرَب الْأَقْرِبَاء ، إِنَّنِى لَا أُحِب الْمَنَاصِب وَلَا أَقْبَل الْشِلَلِيّة وَأَكْرَه الْظُّلْم وَلَا أَقْبَل أَن يُظْلَم أَحَد وَأَكْرَه اسْتِغْلَال عَلَاقَات الْنَّسَب  .ء
الثامن عشر من أكتوبر ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون ، جريدة مايو
    الْكُل سَوَاء عِنْدِي أَمَام الْقَانُوْن وَنَحْن لَا نُرِيْد قَانُوُن الْطَّوَارِئ . ء
العشرون من أكتوبر عام ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون ، جريدة نيويورك تايمز
لَن أَقْبَل الْوَسَاطَة وَسَأُعَاقِب لُصُوْص الْمَال الْعَام . ء
السادس والعشرين من أكتوبر عام ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون  ، مجلة أكتوبر
مِصْر لَيْسَت ضَيْعَة لِحَاكِمِهَا . ء
الثلاثين من أكتوبر عام ألف وتسعمائة وواحد وثمانون  ، مجلة المصور
الْكَفَن مَالُوْش جُيُوْب ، سَنَعَلَى مِن شَأْن الْأَيَادِى الْطَّاهِرَة . ء
خطاب فى فبراير 1982

من أشعار الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
نَعِيْب زَمَانَنَا وَالْعَيْب فِيْنَا        وَمَا لِزَمَانِنَا عَيْب سِوَانَا 
وَنَهْجُو ذَا الْزَّمَان بِغَيْر ذَنْب       وَلَو نَطَق الْزَّمَان لِهَجَانـا 
مَلْحُوْظَة : تَم كِتَابَة هَذَا الْمَوْضُوْع بِإِسْتِخْدَام جُوْجِل تَشْكِيل
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Waiting for president Hosni Mubarak

Mubarak chats to his doctors at Heidelberg hospital in Germany
According to rumors spread that President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak will return home within a few hours.  Mubarak appeared very thin in the photos that came from Germany. In all cases, God alone knows what will happen in the days and months ahead for our country .

Update :  Egyptian state television announced the return of President Mubarak on Saturday ، Coming from "Heidelberg" in Germany, after completing his journey of treatment and recovered. Middle East News Agency said that his plane will land at the airport of Sharm el-Sheikh and not in the Cairo airport .

Gone Geekin'

Though I love to write, it took me a long time to warm to the idea of blogging. I'm no new media hater, but my training as a newspaper journalist made me hesitant to embrace a semi-anonymous, proudly self-focused medium. More than anything, I was terrified that I'd be bad at it or that I'd have nothing interesting/amusing to say. I'm glad I didn't let that stop me from starting this blog in 2008.

I Don't Read My Blog Either has been creatively satisfying and, at times, incredibly therapeutic. It also led to some real-life socializing with very cool people. Best of all, I discovered that I really enjoy writing about comic books and my experiences as an atypical geek. So does my friend V., and our shared fangirl enthusiasm led us to create Girls Gone Geek a few months ago. We're enjoying the hell out of it, but since I also have a full-time job and a family, something had to give. Unfortunately, this blog began to suffer from infrequent posting, then outright neglect. I've been in denial, but now seemed as good a time as any to admit that, for now, IDRMBE is retiring. I wish I were one of those people who could maintain five blogs, a regular podcast and a healthy work-life balance on fewer than six hours of sleep a night — but I'm not. Besides, I figure it's only a matter of time before my children can barely stand to be in the same room with me and their dad, so I ought to milk that whole "being present" thing while they still think we're kinda cool.

To everyone who stopped by and/or commented, I offer my sincere thanks. There's a whole lot of everything floating around, so I'm honored that you found my little corner of the Web worthy of your time. If you have even a passing interest in comic books, I hope you'll drop by Girls Gone Geek and say hi or visit our Facebook page.

Gotta run, as it's already past my bedtime. I really wasn't kidding about that sleep thing!

See you on the Interwebs,

Lena Chamamyan Lamma bada لينا شماميان - لما بدا يتثنى



لما بدا يتثنى.. حبي جماله فتنا
امر ما بلحظة اسرنا
غصن ثنا حين مال.
وعدي ويا حيرتي
من لي رحيم شكوتي.. فى الحب من لوعتي
الا مال
ك الجمال
آمان آمان آمان
When I saw my love sway, his beauty amazed me.
Something about the moment captivated me.
Like a branch bending gracefully.
Oh my fate, and reason for my perplexity .
Who could be the one to alleviate my sufferings in love and torment,
except the God of beauty.
Oh mercy, oh mercy, oh mercy.

  Thanks for  Lastoadri
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