Jheri Curls And Keyboards And Sunglasses! Oh, My!

When I entered high school in 1984, pep rallies were hours-long affairs that, depending on the game, might include a miniature talent show as part of the festivities. It's a subject for another blog, but I grew up in a "Friday Night Lights" kind of town that took high school football very seriously.

Anyway, I went to school with a guy who, typical of the time, took on a persona that was a confused hybrid of Michael Jackson, Prince and New Edition: Jheri curl, bow tie, sunglasses. We'll call him Dre. Dre fancied himself a performer in the tradition of, um, more famous Jheri-curled performers. At the homecoming talent show, Dre took the stage and treated rougly 1,500 students to what can only be described as the worst Prince tribute I have ever seen. To my knowledge, this feat has not been topped.

I hadn't thought of Dre for 20 years, but the above video took me right back to his musical debut. For the young folks, "Digital Display" was an R&B hit for the group Ready for the World, of "Oh, Sheila" fame. "Digital Display" is a laughable mishmash of synth keyboards and PG-13 come-ons, but it was pretty popular at the time. The duo in this performance clearly hired the same stylist that Dre and so many other young men did during that era, and the dance moves are eerily familiar: comical gyration and plenty of Michael Jackson-esque kick-spins. It must be watched from beginning to end to be properly appreciated.

Thanks to Crunk & Disorderly for sharing this with the world!

calendar for September 1752

calendar for September 1752

I was shocked looking at this. Are'nt u?

Have u ever seen the calendar for September 1752???

If you are working in Unix, try this out.
At $ prompt, type: cal 9 1752

Surprised??? ?

not only in unix, u can also search it in google

See the explanation for what you see.

Isn't the output queer? A month with whole of eleven days missing. This was the time England shifted from Roman Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar, and the king of England ordered those 11 days to be wiped off the face of the month of September of 1752. (What couldn't a King do in those days?!) And yes, the workers worked for 11 days less, but got paid for the entire 30 days. And that's how "Paid Leave" was born.Hail the King!!!


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FW: Funny


• If your father is a poor man,
it is your fate but,

if your father-in-law is a poor man,
it's your stupidity.

• I was born intelligent - education ruined me.

• Practice makes perfect.....
But nobody's perfect.......
so why practice?

• If it's true that we are here to help others,
then what exactly are the others here for?

• Since light travels faster than sound,
people appear bright until you hear them speak.

• How come "abbreviated" is such a long word?

• Money is not everything.
There's Mastercard & Visa.

• One should love animals.
They are so tasty.

• Save water.
Shower with your girl friend.

• Love the neighbor.
But don't get caught.

• Behind every successful man, there is a woman
And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two.

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Love is Everything !!


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From Bush to Obama (US president)


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Buzz Word Bull$%&^

Lately, I've been working on a list of useless buzz words and non-words that should be banned. The list so far:

1. Signage (as opposed to just "sign")
2. Usage (See above.)
3. Bandwidth (when used to describe how busy you are, as in, "I don't have enough bandwidth to handle that request right now."
4. Synergy
5. Dialogue as a verb
6. Utilize (I prefer "use.")
7. Impactful (not a word)
8. Stakeholder
9. Tasked (as in, "I am tasked with folding the laundry tonight.")

I'm sure there are many others. When someone uses two or more of these words in a sentence, I immediately assume that s/he is bullshitting me, or that s/he has been immersed in bureaucratic culture so long that s/he has forgotten how humans talk — or "dialogue." I judge them harshly. Apparently, it is no longer acceptable to say "I don't know," or to refrain from offering opinions on issues you haven't studied.

I was ranting to my friend H. about this when she handed me Diane Law's "A Dictionary of Bullshit." I can't stop reading it. It's meant to be funny (and it is), but it speaks to how prevalent these stupid words (and non-words) have become, and how the people who abuse them think doing so makes them sound smart.

Hint: It doesn't.

Ramalinga Raju - Shayari

Ramalinga Raju - Shayari


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FW: FW: Obama - white







This Cartoon Got the Best Political Cartoon Award

This Cartoon Got the Best Political Cartoon Award      


Hitler in his book 'My Struggle' said

'I could have annihilated all Jews in the world,

but I left some of them so that you should know

why I was killing them'.


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We are becoming lesser by the day


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Only the dead have seen the end .

A father and his injured son in Gaza. 
This is one of the more disturbing images I have seen.
“It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day…If we don’t kill, we will cease to exist…Unilateral separation doesn’t guarantee “peace” - it guarantees a Zionist-Jewish state with an overwhelming majority of Jews…“
Professor Arnon Soffer, Head of the IDF’s National Defense College, in an interview with the Jerusalem Post (24 May 2004) .

“I believe that it should have been even stronger! Dresden! Dresden! The extermination of a city! After all, we’re told that the face of war has changed. No longer is it the advancing of tanks or an organized military. […] It is a whole nation, from the old lady to the child, this is the military. It is a nation fighting a war. I am calling them a nation, even though I don’t see them as one. It is a nation fighting a nation. Civilians fighting civilians. I’m telling you that we […] must know […] that stones will not be thrown at us! I am not talking about rockets - not even a stone will be thrown at us. Because we’re Jews.[…] I want the Arabs of Gaza to flee to Egypt. This is what I want. I want to destroy the city, not necessarily the people living within it.“ 
Reserve Colonel Yoav Gal, an Israeli Air Force pilot, on Army Radio during “Operation Cast Lead” (11 January 2009) .


links :

Abdul Rahim Abu Halima, 14, (wearing a yellow T-shirt) was killed when his home was hit by a white phosphorous artillery shell on 4 January. He died with two of his brothers, Zayed, eight, and Hamza, six, his sister Shahed, who was 15 months old, and their father Saad Allah, 45. “He was a very active boy, a little bit nervous sometimes, but he was good at football,” said his brother Mahmoud, 20. “I loved him so very much. He was a wonderful boy.”
Photograph: Family photograph

Adham Mutair, 17, was shot at his home near Beit Lahiya, Gaza, on 9 January. Israeli tanks had taken up positions around the houses and Adham was shot when he went onto the roof to check the family’s pigeons. He died the next day. “We haven’t even had a chance to set up a funeral tent to mourn him properly,” said his uncle Khader, 53. “I don’t think the rest of the world understands how painful our lives are here.”
Photograph: Family photograph

Amal Abed Rabbo, two, pictured after she died in an attack at the village of Izbit Abed Rabbo, on January 7, 2009. According to her father Khalid, 30, Amal and her sister Souad, seven, were killed by gunfire from an Israeli tank after soldiers ordered the family out of their house. Another sister, Samer, four, survived the attack but is paralysed below the waist. “Amal was just learning to talk,” said Khalid. “I want to know from the Israeli army: why did they kill my daughters?”
Photograph: Family photograph

Amira Qirm, 15, in her bed at Shifa hospital in Gaza City. Amira was injured in an Israeli attack that killed her father, brother and sister
Photograph: Rory McCarthy

Lina Hassan, 10, was killed by an Israeli shell which hit her as she walked to the shops next to a UN school in Jabaliya on 6 January. “She asked me for a shekel to go to the shops to buy something for her and her brothers and sisters,” said her father Abdul, 37. “I heard the shell and I ran out. I saw her body lying on the ground … Was my daughter Hamas? Do you think a 10-year-old even knows the difference between Hamas and Fatah?”
Photograph: Family photograph

Mohammad Shaqoura, 9, was also killed by Israeli shelling at the UN school in Jabaliya on 6 January. He was playing marbles in the street outside with his friends in the middle of the afternoon. “I went to help the injured. I didn’t realise Mohammad was one of them,” said his father Basim, 40. “I try to talk about him as much as possible with my other children. But it’s hard for them to understand.”
Photograph: Family photograph

Ghaida Abu Eisha, eight, who was killed along with her parents and two brothers when an Israeli missile struck her home in Shamali on 5 January. Saber Abu Eisha, 49, the children’s uncle, said: “Ghaida was in the second grade at school. She was like any little girl, she was pretty, she loved to play. Sometimes she was laughing, sometimes she was crying. She liked to dress up, wearing a bride’s dress, showing off.”
Photograph: Family photograph

Mohammad Abu Eisha, 10, was also killed in the Israeli missile strike on his family’s home in Shamali on 5 January. Two children survived: Dalal, 12, and Ahmed, five. Both are deeply traumatised. “Whenever they hear a loud noise they fall to the ground,” said their uncle Saber Abu Eisha. “Sometimes I think it’s easier for the people who are dead and it’s harder for those who are living.”
Photograph: Family photograph


Sayyd Abu Eisha, 12, the third child killed when an Israeli missile struck the house of the Abu Eisha family in Shamali. Surviving family members searching in the darkness using the lights from their mobile phones until they found their bodies lying in rubble outside the house.
Photograph: Family photograph


Shahed Abu Sultan, eight, was killed by a bullet apparently fired from a helicopter as she sat on her father’s lap at the doorway to their home in the Jabaliya refugee camp on 5 January. Her father, Hussein, 40, wrote a message to his daughter which hangs on their sitting room wall: “I cried a sea of tears for you but those tears have not calmed my heart because you left, my daughter. I have no tears remaining, but my heart wants to go on crying blood, my daughter, my beloved Shahed.”
Photograph: Family photograph
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FW: Hain Guzaarish....


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Holocaust Survivor Protests Israeli Massacre in Gaza ( 2009 )

Elderly Holocaust Survivor protests Israel's response to Hamas rocket attacks. She says it's not fair since Israel is so much stronger.

What would the international community do if Hamas launched massive airstrikes against Israel, marched deep into Tel Aviv or, shelled a UN-run school building, used as a refugee camp, leaving many Israeli children dead and many more injured? What if the Israeli people had been punished by seizure and blockade simply because they had chosen a far right party or a hard-line politician in a fair and free election? What would the so-called free nations be saying had Hamas leaders, in an effort to appeal to voters, decided to continue their large offensive against Israeli civilians despite the international calls for a cease-fire? What if the media all over the world had depicted a handful of Israeli children crying over the bodies of their dead mothers?
There is much irony in this analogy, but the truth is that Israel has long been excused for every terrible atrocity it has perpetrated and continues to perpetrate. Such double standards and twisted positions that the key powers in the world are embracing nowadays are fueling the already anti-West sentiments not only in Arab and Muslim countries but also across the entire world.
Israel, according to the Western hypocritical standards, is always above the law. Throughout the past 60 years, Israel has constantly been violating the international law and the rules and principles of nations which govern the relations of nations with each other. Take the Geneva Convention for protecting civilians in times of war as an example.
Israel has committed serious war crimes by deliberately targeting civilians throughout its wars with the Arabs. So the evidence which cites Israel as being in violation of international law or human rights is enormous.
Ignoring a UN-adopted resolution and international calls for an immediate end to its recent aggression on Gaza, the Israelis are continuing their bloody operation which, until now, has claimed the lives of more than 800 innocent Palestinians (nearly all of them civilians) and injured more than 3000. Stories of deliberate killings of civilians, targeting schools and indiscriminately shelling Palestinian towns in the Gaza Strip are compelling evidence of Israels disdain and contempt for the well-crafted principles of international law. The chief objective of the current operation, as is clear from Israeli behavior so far, is to eradicate the people of Gaza entirely.
A UN-filed report has found that since the Israeli aggression on Gaza late last month, as many as 42 percent of the overall Palestinian dead are women and children. In one heartbreaking incident, the Israeli war machine shelled a UN-run school in which hundreds of Palestinians were seeking shelter.
As many as 33 innocent people, most of them women and children, were immediately killed in a cowardly and barbaric act that indicates that the Israeli army is deliberately targeting every living creature in Gaza.
The UN report has concluded that there is no safe space in the Gaza Strip no safe haven, no bomb shelters and the borders are closed and civilians have no place to flee. In a similar incident, Israeli forces evacuated many Palestinian civilians to a house in the Zaitoun district. Shortly after, the house was shelled and more than 100 civilians were instantly killed.
On the diplomatic front, Israel has expressed its disdain for a UN-adopted resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire. Hours after the United Nations passed the resolution that calls for an end to the fighting, a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and creating passages for humanitarian aid to people there, a spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was quoted as saying that the UN decision is not practical and is unworkable.
Despite the loss of lives in this aggression, there have been numerous rational voices heard from here and there that have condemned the Israeli barbarism in Gaza during the past 16 days.
A top Vatican official likened what the Israelis are doing in Gaza with what the Nazis did during the Second World War. Gaza, said Cardinal Renato Martino, resembles a big concentration camp. Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president, has called the Israeli army a coward army. His government has expelled the Israeli ambassador from Caracas in protest against what the Israeli government is doing in Gaza nowadays.
Across the Arab and Muslim world, the show of solidarity with the Palestinians has never reached such a height as it has during this crisis. Just after the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip, thousands of protesters took to the streets, apparently shocked by the heartbreaking footage of Palestinian victims, to protest the brutality of the aggressor and the lack of response of the international community, which would have been totally different had the perpetrator not been Israel.
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If This Doesn't Make You Smile ...

I was in the grumpiest mood this morning, just not in the mood for 9-to-5 nonsense of any kind. Then I watched the video for "Life in Technicolor II," which is so clever and charming that it made me chuckle. Yeah, I know I'm practically on Coldplay's payroll, but even the haters have given this a thumbs-up. If a crowd-surfing puppet doesn't make you smile, well, I just don't know. Too bad the "Team America" puppets didn't make a cameo, though.

Task Manager Has Been Disabled By Your Administrator, How to Fix It?

      Many times when working on a computer that has been infected with a virus, trojan, or piece of spyware I find myself with the Task Manager being disabled. Malware creators like to disable Task Manager so it makes solving the problem and removing the issue difficult.

If this happens you'll normally have to edit the Windows registry to fix the problem. A restriction has been placed on the user to not allow them to run Task Manager, this might be ok in an office environment where the IT department wants to control things, but in a home office this can cause major problems trying to fix a malware or virus issue.

Listed below you will find the many ways to reenable Task Manager along with an automatic method that works wonders.

To open the Task Manager, you normally would do one of the following:

  • Press CTRL-ALT-DEL on the keyboard
  • Press CTRL-SHIFT-ESC on the keyboard
  • Right-click on a blank area on the start bar and choose Task Manager
  • Click on Start, Run and type TASKMGR in the run box and press Enter
Sometimes instead of Task Manager opening you'll see the following screen. In these cases, you'll have to follow the methods below to re-enable access to the Task Manager.

Task Manager has been disabled by your administrator 

First we'll begin with the various registry modification methods for correcting this problem.

Method 1 - Using the Group Policy Editor in Windows XP Professional
  1. Click Start, Run, type gpedit.msc and click OK.
  2. Under User Configuration, Click on the plus (+) next to Administrative Templates
  3. Click on the plus (+) next tSystem, then click on Ctrl+Alt+Delete Options
  4. Find Remove Task Manager in the right-hand pane and double click on it
  5. Choose the option "Not Configured"  and click Ok. 
  6. Close the Group Policy Window
Method 2:  Change the Task Manager Option through the Run line

  1. Click on Start, Run and type the following command exactly and press Enter
REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Method 3: Change Task Manager through a Registry REG file

  1. Click on Start, Run, and type Notepad and press Enter
  2. Copy and paste the information between the dotted lines into Notepad and save it to your desktop as taskmanager.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


      3. Double click on the taskmanager.reg file to enter the information into the Windows registry

Method 4: Delete the restriction in the registry manually
  1. Click on Start, Run, and type REGEDIT and press Enter
  2. Navigate to the following branch

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System
  3. In the right pane, find and delete the value named DisableTaskMgr
  4. Close the registry editor

Method 5: Download and Run FixTaskManager program

  1. Click on the following links and download the program FixTaskManager to your Desktop Download here
  2. Double-click on the file FixTaskManager on your desktop and run it

           "Power is the ability to do good things for others "

FW: [FFO] Yet again........ another Cost cutting




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